0 flats
Hi. I am offering www.0flats.com for $500. It's a play on the key signature for C major / A minor. It can be a great name to market a tire or auto service centre. If you are interested, the sale can go thru Escrow.com with the buyer paying the transaction fee.
ask (at) 7sharps (dot) com
Hell. Africa
in defense of my son Asher
is about why I left Christianity
is about the hoax of a Jewish race
"Yer-Law with no Law-Yer"
ate11.com is a new food service concept
Other .com domains available are: 5flats, 6 sharps, cafe666, DomainToilet, grill666, SiriusNight, SiriusNights
Other .Africa domains available are: bus, chef, lawyer, nurse, paralegal, see, wanted, weld.
ask (at) 7sharps (dot) com